
Haplogroup M40.

Click link to see tree diagram for this haplogroup.
Haplogroup M40 tree

The groups around the M* are mainly East Asian groups.

The sequences for the M40 haplogroup are:

 1. Sun           A19.JS          AY922271
 2. Sun           A42.JS          AY922294
 3. Sun           A43.JS          AY922295
The sequences has these differences from the CRS:

- for the main stem leading from H:

73       263      750      1438     2706     4769     7028     8701
8860     9540     10398    10873    11719    12705    14766    15301
15326    16223

- and for the M* branch:

489      10400    14783    15043

- and for  M40

A8925G  T15721C A15954G  A16463G

- and ignoring changes at 309 & 315.

the mutation list is:

 1. Sun           A19.JS   AY922271
A200G    C3921T   C5974T   G9452A   A13542G  C16179T  C16294T

 2. Sun           A42.JS   AY922294
T252C    C522.    A523.    T2442C   G3010A   C4099T   T6221C   T11485C  T12616C
C15832T  T15932C  G16145A  C16174T    T16519C

 3. Sun           A43.JS   AY922295
C150T    A200G    G7211A   G8886A   A13482G  A13542G  T15479C  C16104T  G16129A
C16179T  C16294T  C16355T


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